How to Obtain a Paraguay Business Visa

A Paraguay business visa gives you access to one of the economies in Latin America with the highest monetary and fiscal stability, lower tax rate, and free trade agreements like Mercosur. Likewise, Paraguay has undergone important changes in regard to fiscal and debt regulations that have favored its economy.

Paraguay offers low labor costs and a young workforce. Furthermore, If you remain in the country for more than 120 days per calendar year in the previous 12 months, you can apply for the Paraguayan residence.

When to apply for a Paraguay business visa?

  • Citizens of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Republic of China can obtain a Paraguay Business Visa upon arrival
  • Citizens of other countries must apply in person before arrival

Requirements to obtain a Paraguay business visa

An American passport with a Paraguay business visa.
You can apply for a Paraguay business visa in person or by mail.

You can apply for a Paraguay business visa in person or by mail. In both cases, foreign executives looking to do business in Paraguay must know that this process can take up to a week.

If you want to apply in person, you must schedule an appointment at the Paraguayan Immigration Department.

If you want to apply by mail you must present the following documents:

  • Original passport, which has to be valid for at least 6 months.
  • A visa application form duly completed and signed.
  • One (1) passport picture, standard size (2” x 2”), with a clear background and without glasses.
  • A postage prepaid envelope.
  • A valid mail with a tracking number.
  • A deposit receipt.

To activate your Paraguay business visa you must travel within (6) six months after it was issued. If during this period the visa is not activated, you need to submit a new application.

Frequently asked questions when applying for a visa in Paraguay:

Based on our experience these are the common questions and doubts of our clients.

1. What are the types of visas for Paraguay?

The types of visas in Paraguay include humanitarian or emergency visas, as well as tourist and business visas; these last types of visas are divided in temporary residency and permanent residency.

2. What is the investor visa called in Paraguay?

The investor visa in Paraguay is called Residency by Investment and is a permanent visa process.

3. What are the requirements for an investor visa in Paraguay?

The requirements for an investor visa in Paraguay are as follows:
   – A written application.
   – 1 passport-sized photograph.
   – A passport valid for at least 3 months.
   – Copy of the passport’s information page.
   – Proof of a clean criminal record.
   – Outbound flight reservation or ticket.
   – Proof of prior connection to Paraguay or an investment project.
   – Bank account statement demonstrating sufficient funds to support the applicant.
   – Copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.
   – All foreign documents must be apostilled, and documents in a language other than Spanish must be translated by an official translator.

4. What is the business visa called in Paraguay?

Business visas in Paraguay are called Business and Tourism visas and also temporary and permanent residency.

5. What are the requirements for a business visa in Paraguay?

The requirements for a business visa in Paraguay include:
   – A written request directed to the Immigration Office.
   – One recent passport-sized photograph.
   – The applicant must have a passport valid for at least 3 months.
   – A copy of the passport’s main page.
   – A clean criminal record.
   – An outbound flight reservation or ticket.
   – Civil and marital status
   – Bank account statements that demonstrate sufficient funds to support the applicant in Paraguay.
   – A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.

6. How can I get a working visa in Paraguay?

You may apply for a working visa in Paraguay if a Paraguay-based company is willing to sponsor you.

7. Who can sponsor a working visa in Paraguay?

Paraguay-based companies can sponsor a working visa if they meet the requirements established by the Immigration Office.

8. Do you need a visa to buy property in Paraguay?

Foreign investors do not need a visa to buy property in Paraguay. They can use their own passport as their means of identification.

9. What needs to be provided in order to commence the visa processing service in Paraguay?

To commence the visa processing service in Paraguay, the following needs to be provided:
   – Two recent passport-sized photographs.
   – Proof of a clean criminal record.
   – Certified copy of all passport pages.
   – A one-time payment of a $440 US Dollar government tax.
   – A written request directed to the Immigration Office.
   – A signed power of attorney.
   – A fingerprint scan performed by the local INTERPOL
   – A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate and marital status support.

Do business in Paraguay with the support of our immigration specialists

Paraguay is a popular choice for foreign executives looking to incorporate their business into the Latin American markets. However, If you plan to do business in Paraguay and remain in the country for more than 3 months (90 days), then you will need extra documentation. Non-residents must obtain a multiple entry visa valid for (90) ninety days.

At Biz Latin Hub, our multilingual team of immigration experts will guide you through the process on how to obtain a business visa. With our full suite of market entry and back-office services, we are your single point of contact to understand your immigration needs to do business in the region.

Contact us now to receive personalized assistance and learn more about how to obtain a business visa for other countries in Latin America.

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