What Are the Different Types of Visas in Colombia?

Types of Visas in Colombia
What Are the Different Types of Visas in Colombian?

If you are a foreigner interested in living, working or making an investment in Colombia, it is important to know the type of visa you will need. Colombian work visa requirements vary and the documentation is different for all of them. There are three Types of Visas in Colombia:

  • Business (NE)
  • Temporary (TP)
  • Resident (RE)

These are regulated by Decree 0834 of 2013. Of these, work visas fall under the categories of TP and RE. Foreigners and companies can apply for any of this visas depending on the needs of each specific person. Sometimes the visa process can be difficult; for this reason, many foreigners choose to use the services of a professional company. Learn about the Types of Visas in Colombia

Colombian TP-4 visa

This type of visa is issued to foreigners who want to move to Colombia as a result of a labor or service contract with a company or a natural person residing in Colombia. This can also include artistic, sporting or cultural groups that enter the country with the purpose of providing public entertainment. This visa allows its holder to stay for the duration of the labor or service contract, but it cannot exceed three years. This visa has an approximate cost of US$252.

Colombian TP-9 visa

This type of visa issued for five years to foreigners that wish to move to Colombia under a refugee or asylum status granted by the State. This visa authorizes its holder to carry out any legal work in Colombia, including those that involve a labor contract. This visa has no cost.

Colombian TP-12 visa

This type of visa is issued for 90 days to foreigners that wish to enter the country in order to attend or participate, with or without a labor contract, in academic, scientific, artistic, cultural or sporting events, in an interview for a public or private recruitment process, company training, trade or business contacts and journalistic coverage. This visa has an approximate cost of US$107.

Colombian TP-13 visa

This type of visa is issued for 180 days to foreigners that wish to move to Colombia in order to provide specialized technical assistance, with or without a labor contract. This visa has an approximate cost of US$107.

Colombian RE visa

It is important to mention that temporary visas are the best option if the visa applicant has no desire to permanently reside in Colombia. Should the applicants have a long-term vision in Colombia, they should apply for an RE visa instead. Foreigners who have held a TP-4 or TP-9 for at least five uninterrupted years are eligible to apply for an RE visa. Foreigners are also eligible for this visa if they have a parent of a Colombian nationality or when the foreigner is Colombian by adoption or by birth. RE visa holders are authorized to exercise any legal work in Colombia. This visa is issued for five years and has an approximate cost of US$391.

Frequently Asked Questions when applying for Types of Visas in Colombia

According to our experience, these are the most common questions and doubts of our Clients.

1. What are the types of visas for Colombia?

In Colombia there are four (4) types of visas:

– Visitor Visa (V)
– Courtesy V type visa
– Migrant Visa (M)
– Permanent Resident Visa (R)

2. What is an investor visa called in Colombia?

– Migrant Visa (M) – Investor

3. Requirements for an investor visa in Colombia?

1. In case of Foreign Direct Investment, provide a communication issued by the Department of International Exchange of the Bank of the Republic in which the registration of the foreign direct investment in its name whose amount is greater than six hundred fifty (650) minimum monthly legal wages in force (smlmv) at the date of filing the application;
2. In case of investment in real estate, until the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an agreement that allows internal consultation of the information, the interested party must provide a Certificate of Tradition and Freedom of the real estate whose title of ownership is exclusively in the name of the foreigner, for a minimum value equivalent to three hundred and fifty (350) legal monthly minimum wages in force (smlmv) as of the date of the the date of presentation of the application, and communication issued by the Department of International of the Banco de la República (Bank of the Republic) showing the registration of the foreign direct investment for the direct foreign investment for the purchase of real estate in the name of the foreigner applying for the visa;
3. Demonstrate by means of bank statements of the last three months prior to the visa application, economic solvency to remain in the country. 3. Proof of economic solvency to remain in the country.
4. Demonstrate that the applicant has health coverage in Colombia, or a health policy with coverage in the national territory against all risks in case of accident, illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization, death or repatriation, for the time foreseen for their stay in the country.

4. What is a Business visa called in Colombia?

– Visitor visa (V) – Business

5. Requirements for a Business visa in Colombia?

Submit a reasoned communication signed directly by the legal representative of the legal person acting on its behalf, clearly containing the following information: 

1. legal representative acting on behalf of the legal entity, clearly containing the following information:
a. Full identification of the legal person indicating the NIT in case of being incorporated in Colombia and contact information. Colombia and contact information.
b. Complete identification of the foreigner.
c. Letter from the legal representative of the legal entity supporting the application, stating the activity that the foreigner intends to carry out in Colombia, its duration the activity that the foreigner intends to carry out in Colombia, its duration, the type of relationship or link of the legal relationship or link of the legal person with the foreigner and indicating who assumes the economic responsibility for the expenses inherent to the
economic responsibility for the expenses inherent to the travel and stay of the foreigner in the national territory. This communication must also include the details of other foreign nationals whom the company or legal entity has supported. The legal person must
The legal person must also undertake before the national government to guarantee the return of the foreigner to his/her country of origin or to inform if the foreigner remains irregularly in the national territory.
d. Explanation of the relationship or type of link with the foreigner for whom the visa is requested and of the special qualification or expertise of the foreigner, if any.
e. Declaration of economic responsibility for the expenses inherent to the travel and stay of the foreigner in Colombia, in which the legal person also assumes the commitment to inform the Visa and Immigration Authority immediately any change occurs in the conditions for which the visa was granted, to guarantee the return of the foreigner to his/her country of origin and to inform if the foreigner remains irregularly in the national territory. This declaration must be signed by hand and with fingerprint of the right or left index finger, or right or left thumb: or before a foreign competent authority in which case it must be apostilled or legalized.
must be apostilled or legalized, as appropriate;

2. When the legal entity supporting the application is private and incorporated abroad, When the legal entity supporting the application is private and incorporated abroad, it must provide a certificate of existence, incorporation or legal or legal incorporation and representation or the document that takes its place, with the formalities foreseen for the presentation of the foreign documents foreign documents set forth in this resolution;

3. Proof of economic solvency of the legal entity by means of bank statements corresponding to the three (3) months prior to the application. corresponding to the three (3) months prior to the application. In the case of a public entity, this not be necessary to comply with this requirement;

6. How can I get a Working visa in Colombia?

M Worker Visa
Allows foreigners who aspire to work in Colombia with a legal entity by means of an employment contract. It should be noted that the visa regulations must be thoroughly reviewed to determine all the requirements that a company must comply with in order to request a foreign employee.

7. Who can sponsor a Working visa In Colombia?

The company must be duly incorporated in Colombia.
You must have the necessary economic income to be able to develop your labor relationship without any problem.
Must demonstrate that the position to be hired cannot be developed by a Colombian.
Must demonstrate the recruitment selection process, to show that the hiring was objective with Colombian candidates.

8. Do you need a visa to buy property in Colombia?

It is not necessary, the purchase of a property can be done by means of a passport, and at the moment of formalizing the purchase in the governmental entities you must request the visa as an investor in Colombia.

9. What needs to be provided in order to commence the visa processing service in Colombia?

All documents must be provided depending on the type of visa, i.e. there are types of visas that require all the documents of the foreign applicant duly authenticated and apostilled from the country of origin. Also check in detail each visa to be applied since any type of requirement for the visa application must be answered in very short times.

Biz Latin Hub can help you obtain Types of Visas in Colombia

At Biz Latin Hub, our multilingual team of visa processing and company formation specialists is available to help you oversee your market entry and receive your business visa in Colombia in the shortest time possible. With our complete portfolio of back-office support, including legal, accounting, and recruitment services, we can be your single point of contact for doing business in Colombia, or any of the other 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where we are present.

Contact us now for a free quote or to discuss your commercial needs.

Or read about our team of expert authors.

Check out our presentation about the different types of visas in Colombia here!

The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.

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