Why Outsource Corporate Secretarial Services in Paraguay?

Corporate secretarial services in Paraguay play a pivotal role in helping clients manage and mitigate business compliance risks. Paraguay stands out as one of the most attractive countries for conducting business in South America. The World Bank states that the country has a fast-growing economy with a continuous growth percentage of 4.5% over the last years.

In the last two decades, Paraguay has experienced important changes in its economy, overcoming financial challenges in the 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium, and making fiscal and debt adjustments in the middle of the last decade. The country has been favored by positive external factors that added to macroeconomic stability, leading to years of notable growth in GDP and GDP per capita.

We outline crucial competencies to look for in a provider of corporate secretarial services in Paraguay, and the importance of these services when expanding your business.

We recognize the challenges inherent in adapting to the new legislation, especially when it comes to complying with corporate obligations. In order to simplify this process, Biz Latin Hub has designed the following Annual Fiscal Compliance calendar.
We recognize the challenges inherent in adapting to the new legislation, especially when it comes to complying with corporate obligations. In order to simplify this process, Biz Latin Hub has designed the following Annual Fiscal Compliance calendar.

Importance of corporate secretarial services in Paraguay

A dependable corporate secretarial services provider aids in managing a company’s risk by ensuring compliance with corporate obligations, particularly when expanding into a new country like Paraguay. Setting up operations in a foreign country presents challenges, including navigating tax regulations, adapting to new business culture, and hiring local talent. These complexities can be time-consuming and intricate, especially when language and cultural barriers come into play.

Therefore, collaborating with a trusted local partner, such as a provider of corporate secretarial services in Paraguay, becomes vital to ensure your company aligns with local and international requirements. This partnership empowers executives to focus on devising effective business strategies for their company’s growth.

Furthermore, a reliable corporate secretarial services provider enhances a company’s risk management efforts by ensuring adherence to local regulations and fulfillment of corporate obligations. Avoiding penalties or sanctions from local institutions is crucial for the success of your business in Paraguay.

Avoid penalties or sanctions from local institutions and generate success for your business in Paraguay by seeking an experienced, trusted corporate secretarial services provider.

What are some available corporate secretarial services in Paraguay?

1. Bookkeeping services

Bookkeeping encompasses recording, storing, and retrieving financial transactions, whether for businesses, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. It requires a solid grasp of debits, credits, and financial accounting principles, including the balance sheet and income statement.

Business owners must bear in mind that bookkeeping and accounting registries are mandatory for every legal entity registered in Paraguay. Even sole proprietor companies must ensure that they are keeping their accounting records according to Paraguayan standards. 

It’s essential for all legal entities in Paraguay, including sole proprietorships, to maintain accurate accounting records compliant with Paraguayan standards. Companies conducting local activities must also meet specific obligations, including filing annual and/or monthly declarations with the SET (Sub Secretaría de Estado de Tributación).

2. Payroll support services

Payroll processing is a critical corporate secretarial service in Paraguay. It involves calculating, documenting, and disbursing employee remunerations, along with making social security contributions.

Companies with employees in Paraguay must file monthly declarations with the IPS (Instituto de Previsión Social). Non-compliance can lead to fines and complications for Legal Representatives.

 While Paraguayan workers are individually responsible for their Personal Income Tax once they reach the required income threshold, employers must report all wages paid to employees annually. This information is used to cross-reference data with the social security system.

With a corporate secretarial services provider in Paraguay, foreign businesses avoid the risk of non-compliance due to unfamiliarity with local regulations and government expectations. Seek support for hiring and managing your employees, including payroll processing, through professional employer organizations and payroll providers.

3. Auditing or corporate health checks in Paraguay

Entity health checks, akin to audits, scrutinize a business’s financial reports, accounting records, and legal transactions to ensure compliance with local regulations and assess the business’s regulatory “health” by independent experts.

Regular corporate health checks safeguard businesses from latent issues that could result in sanctions or other complications with local authorities in Paraguay.

Outsourcing corporate secretarial services in Paraguay, including entity health checks, provides ongoing assurance that your company adheres to local legislation. Local legal and accounting experts possess the expertise to identify discrepancies, ensuring your business operates within the bounds of the law. These checks evaluate the business’s standing with relevant government entities.

Beyond ensuring compliance, entity health checks also demonstrate good governance and mitigate risks in Paraguay.

4. Tax Declarations

This service involves the accurate and timely preparation and filing of all required tax declarations as mandated by local tax authorities.

Importance: Complying with local tax regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure the company’s reputable standing. An efficient service ensures accuracy and timeliness in filing declarations, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring regulatory compliance.

5. Ordinary General Annual Assembly

Includes the organization and holding of an annual ordinary shareholders’ meeting, with proceedings and decisions published in the Official Gazette.

Importance: The annual assembly is essential for transparency and collective decision-making. Publishing proceedings in the Official Gazette ensures proper disclosure and compliance with regulations.

6. Submit the Financial Statements to the Relevant Authorities

It involves the submission of financial statements to the relevant authorities, ensuring transparency and compliance with financial obligations.

Importance: This action not only ensures financial transparency but also complies with legal obligations. Presenting accurate and understandable financial statements is crucial for authorities and other stakeholders to assess the company’s financial health.

In order to simplify processes, Biz Latin Hub has designed the following Annual Legal calendar as a concise representation of the fundamental responsibilities that every company must attend to in Paraguay
In order to simplify processes, Biz Latin Hub has designed the following Annual Legal calendar as a concise representation of the fundamental responsibilities that every company must attend to in Paraguay

Most common audits in Paraguay 

Audit of annual accounts for financial statements

Be mindful that financial statements in Paraguay need to follow IFRS standards. The financial statement audit checks all transactions, procedures, and balances of a company. The goal of an audit of financial statements is to determine the accuracy of financial reports and that they reflect accurate information of your business assets and liabilities in compliance with regulations.

Fiscal audit

The fiscal audit focuses on a company’s tax obligations. This type of audit will review the annual/monthly declarations of the company and identify any mistakes that may have resulted in overpaying, or underpaying taxes. Fast identification of unnoticed issues is especially important to avoid critical and expensive situations with local authorities and maintain a clean reputation.  

The fiscal audit is the most common for companies to outsource to corporate secretarial services providers. Carrying a CCT – Tax Compliance Certificate in Paraguay, issued by the SET is very important, because almost any process, both in the private and public spheres requires tenure.

Compliance audit

This type of audit examines if the business conducts its operations according to internal and external standards. This audit is important to determine if your business complies with all general regulations, plus any additional industry-specific obligations and standards. 

Expert corporate secretarial services providers in Paraguay will assist you with your auditing needs and de-escalate any issues that may cause problems for your business. 

International taxation 

Expanding your business in Paraguay and the broader region requires careful planning, including understanding international tax regulations. International taxation entails structuring, planning, and ensuring compliance with various jurisdictions’ tax requirements.

  Corporate secretarial services providers in Paraguay can assist in developing strategies to address double taxation and leverage free trade agreements, reducing costs and facilitating rapid growth.

Fiscal systems in Paraguay. Corporate Secretarial Services in Paraguay

Based on our extensive experience these are the common questions and doubts of our clients when looking to operate within the country

1. What are the common statutory appointments for a company in Paraguay?

The following are the most common statutory appointments for Paraguayan legal entities:

– An appointed General Director (often referred to as “Legal Representative”) who will be personally liable, both legally and financially for the good operation and standing of the company. This person can either be a local national or a foreigner, however, if a foreigner, a certificated lawyer in Paraguay must be designated to act on his/her behalf in front of the Paraguayan tax authorities.
– An appointed Company´s Sindico, which is a minimum statutory requirement for this kind of legal entity in Paraguay.

2. Is a Registered Office Address needed for a legal entity in Paraguay?

Yes, a Registered Office Address or local Fiscal Address is required for all entities in Paraguay for the receipt of legal correspondence and Governmental visits.

Engage with trusted providers of corporate secretarial services in Paraguay

Expanding to Paraguay can be a complex process, but thankfully the country is well known for its wealth in legal and financial expertise. Make sure to satisfy your taxation, HR, and legal needs with a trusted, responsive, and efficient corporate secretarial services provider in Paraguay.

At Biz Latin Hub, we help businesses from all over the world to enter and operate in Paraguay and Latin America. Our team of local and expatriate lawyers and accountants has vast experience in tax compliance, company incorporation, auditing, and visa services. 

Contact us today for a consultation.

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Infographic: Biz Latin Hub's corporate secretarial services in Paraguay
Main services offered by Biz Latin Hub

The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.

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