What are the Corporate Tax and Accounting Requirements in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua is a growing hub in Central America, attracting global investors with its strategic location and business-friendly government policies. However, to succeed in this market, companies need to have a deep understanding of the Tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua. 

For example, knowing the different corporate tax rates and credits available to foreign investors. This piece explains the significance of accounting and tax requirements in Nicaragua, providing essential insights for prospering in this evolving Central American nation. 

See also: Accounting and taxation requirements in Honduras

Tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua Infographic by Biz Latin Hub
Learn the tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua

How Do I Set Up a Company in Nicaragua?

To register a company in Nicaragua, businesses must follow these steps:

Drafting Act of Incorporation: Mandate the involvement of two shareholders possessing a minimum startup capital of C$10,000. It is imperative to designate a Nicaraguan resident legal representative. The final document necessitates certification by a Nicaraguan public notary.

Acquiring Accounting and Corporate Books: Secure the essential books required for company registration from local bookstores.

Submission of Act of Incorporation at VUI: Present the necessary documents at the Investment Service. The Commercial Registry processes the submission, demanding a payment equivalent to 1% of the company’s capital, capped at C$30,000.

Registration as a Trader and Accounting Bookkeeping: Following processing, register as a trader and the accounting books at the Commercial Registry via VUI.

Obtaining the Single Registration Document: This document, attained simultaneously with the previous step, encompasses the Municipal License, INSS License, and Tax Payer Registration. This process incurs a payment of 1% of the company’s capital.

Appointment of Legal Representation: Shareholders are required to designate a resident Nicaraguan legal representative. The powers of this representative can be limited by the Board of Directors. Ensuring the selection of a reliable individual is crucial.

Accounting and Taxation Requirements in Nicaragua: Key Local Tax Rates

Understanding accounting and taxation in Nicaragua is vital when entering this market. Here is a selection of key tax rates. 

Income Tax: Residents are subject to income tax of between 0 – 30% depending on their taxable income. For instance, anyone earning between 350,000 – 500,000 Nicaraguan cordobas pays an income tax rate of 25%. 

Corporate Tax: Corporate Income Tax (CIT) applies solely to income sourced within the country, charged at a flat rate. The rate is determined as the higher of either 30% of net taxable income (gross taxable income minus permitted deductions) or a fixed minimum tax ranging from 1% to 3% of the gross income earned in the fiscal year.

Value-added Tax: Nicaragua has a VAT tax of 15% on the sale of goods, services, and imports. Exports of goods and services are subject to a 0% rate. 

Capital Gains Tax: Income generated from leasing both fixed and non-fixed assets are taxed at a rate of 12% and 10.5% WHT (Withholding Tax) respectively.

Property Tax: According to Executive Decree No. 3-95 of the Real Estate Tax, a tax rate of 1% is applied to 80% of the cadastral value of properties already registered or acquired by December 31 of each taxable year.

Social Security: An employee’s social security contribution (7.00%) is considered a deductible expense for income tax purposes.

Managua, a strategic location in Nicaragua Infographic by Biz Latin Hub for an article about Tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua
Managua is a strategic location for Tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua

Common Questions When Understanding Accounting and Taxation in Nicaragua

Based on our extensive experience, these are the common questions and concerns of our clients when seeking to understand accounting and taxation requirements in Nicaragua.

1. What is the corporate tax rate in Nicaragua?

In Nicaragua corporate rates range from 10% to 30%. In general, micro and medium-sized companies pay a rate of 30%.

2. How are companies taxed in Nicaragua?

In Nicaragua companies must pay taxes on their goods and services when these have been perfected with the delivery of goods and services. The taxes they must pay are at the municipal and national level.

3. What is the equivalent of the IRS in Nicaragua?

The equivalent of the IRS in Nicaragua is the General Revenue Directorate (DGI) and the Municipal Mayors’ Offices.

4. What are the accounting standards in Nicaragua?

The accounting standards, regulated and issued by the CCPN (Colegio de Contadores Publicos de Nicaragua), include:

Accounting and auditing standards, which include technical resolutions, IFRS adoption circulars, interpretations of international accounting standards and other documents.
Regulations of the Corporate Syndicate.
Anti-money laundering regulations.
Standards of Professional Conduct for Certified Public Accountants, Actuaries and Graduates in Economics and Administration.

5. What is the equivalent of a CPA in Nicaragua?

The professional in Public Accounting is the National Public Accountant, a professional who gives public faith of its functions and who by law must be required to have a license to practice the profession in the jurisdiction in which he/she operates in the country.

6. Does Nicaragua report on IFRS?

Does Nicaragua report on IFRS?
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) of the IASB are adopted in the country. These standards are mandatorily implemented, for the time being, only if a company meets any of the following criteria:
Its debt or equity instruments are traded in a public market or it is in the process of issuing these instruments for trading in a public market (either a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an off-exchange market, including local or regional markets), or
One of their main activities is to hold assets in a fiduciary capacity for a broad group of third parties. This is usually the case for banks, credit unions, insurance companies, stockbrokers, mutual funds and investment banks.
They publish financial statements for general information purposes for external users. Examples of external users are owners who are not involved in the management of the business, current and potential creditors and credit rating agencies, who do not require financial statements to be presented for specific purposes or tailored to their particular needs.
Otherwise the implementation of IFRS is optional.

Biz Latin Hub Can Manage Tax and Accounting Requirements in Nicaragua 

At Biz Latin Hub, we offer a comprehensive range of market entry and back-office solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Our team has expertise in tax and accounting requirements in Nicaragua, with legal services, accounting and taxation, hiring, and visa processing available. 

We maintain a significant presence in the LATAM region, bolstered by robust partnerships that span the area. This extensive network equips us with many resources to facilitate international projects and expand into new markets across various countries.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your business goals in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.

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Categories: Central America | Nicaragua

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