How to Get an Argentina Business Visa as a UK Citizen

Did you know that individuals from the United Kingdom (UK) have preferential requirements to obtain an Argentina business visa compared to other nations? There are two main types of visas to do business in Argentina: a business visa and professional visa.

Latin America is a region growing in popularity and perceived opportunity for UK businesses, and it’s a crucial time to act on the advantages offered by countries such as Argentina to make your move to expand commercially.

We outline the differences between the visas and how the process to obtain it may differ as a UK citizen.

SEE ALSO: When is a Legal Representative in Chile Required?

Argentina’s business visa

Argentina business visa stamp
A business visa for Argentina is intended for foreigners engaged in business or commercial activities.

A business visa for Argentina is temporary and intended for foreigners engaged in business or commercial and economic management. This applies to people carrying out their own business in Argentina or in participation with legal entities that carry out the business activity (which may be on their behalf). The authorized term of stay is up to 2 months (90 days).

However, member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), including the United Kingdom, do not need a visa to enter Argentina to hold business meetings for up to 90 days.

If travelling from the UK to Argentina, must state the reasons for the trip to the Immigration Officer upon entering the country.

Professional visa

Professional visas are intended for applicants who enter Argentina for the purpose of performing paid or unpaid tasks in the scientific, professional, technical, religious, artistic or sports fields. This generally includes applicants who enter to carry out market research, participate in exhibitions, conferences, concerts, etc.

A professional visa for Argentina is issued for a maximum period of 30 days. If you contact the National Migration Directorate while you are in Argentina, this period can be extended. Keep in minds that British citizens do not require a visa to carry out unpaid activities (mainly artistic, cultural, religious, scientific or technical) for up to 90 days.

Upon entering the country, British citizens must declare their reasons for travel to the Immigration Officer. If your activity in Argentina is remunerated, the business visa is required regardless of the country in which the remuneration is received.

Required documentation

When traveling from the United Kingdom to Argentina to attend trade fairs or carry out market studies, you must submit certain documents, including:

  • FSV visa application form completed in black ink and unsigned
  • Passport valid for more than 6 months, with 2 free pages to stamp the visa
  • Visa or residence in the United Kingdom (if applicable)
  • 1 color photo, 4×4 white background and taken from the front
  • Flight reservation in the name of the applicant (not required to be paid)
  • Travel agency itinerary or hotel reservation and transfers
  • Proof of financial solvency: original bank account statement for the last 3 months with at least $50 per day of stay (if downloaded online, you must request an official stamp from the bank)
  • Original invitation letter in Spanish issued by the Inviter in Argentina with details about the applicant, dates and reason for the trip. The invitee must be registered in the National Registry of Foreign Applicants (RENURE), which must appear in the letter. The signature must be certified by a Notary Public and by the College of Notaries.

Please note that in all cases you may be asked to submit additional information at the discretion of the Consul.

Get support to obtain Argentina’s business visa with trusted experts

Before starting your business trip from the United Kingdom to Argentina, be sure to identify the characteristics of each visa described. Engage with a local immigration lawyer for additional support to obtain Argentina’s business visa to carry out business in the country.

Whether you need a professional visa or a business visa for Argentina, your requirements are unique as a British national. Need visa support for your trip to Argentina? Our team of Argentine lawyers are willing to provide you with all the necessary information so that you can make all kinds of Visa applications in Argentina. Do not hesitate to contact Biz Latin Hub for personalized service.

Learn more about our team and expert authors.

Biz Latin Hub market entry and back-office services, including visa and immigration

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