Biz Latin Hub Celebrates 5 Years of Doing Business in Latin America

Biz Latin Hub expansion in Latin America marks its fifth year. This year, Biz Latin Hub celebrated its fifth birthday, marking 5 successful years of empowering foreign companies interested in doing business in Latin America.

Biz Latin Hub country Leads receive training on how to support clients wanting to do business in Latin America
Biz Latin Hub has established a full suite of market entry and back-office services in over 12 countries to support foreign companies wanting to do business in Latin America.

“In our fifth year, we’ve achieved a number of positive milestones,” says David Wright, Chairman of Biz Latin Hub. “Notably, we’ve taken our first steps to expand globally by offering our services in Australia and New Zealand. We’ve also expanded to Uruguay and most recently, opened our newest office in Asunción in Paraguay.”

“Looking ahead into the new year, we expect to experience continued success and further our plans for greater regional and global expansion.”

Doing business in Latin America: our story

Biz Latin Hub expansion in Latin America started in 2014 in Bogotá, Colombia by the Group’s Chairman, David Wright and Managing Director, Craig Dempsey. 5 years later, Bogotá remains the location of our headquarters and largest team of legal and accounting experts across the 14 countries we now operate in, alongside our strategic partners.

During that time, Biz Latin Hub worked hard to find the best talent among both local and expatriate professionals, and establish a full suite of market entry and back-office services in over 14 countries to support foreign companies wanting to do business in Latin America. Though this has become easier for foreign investors over time, thanks to a growing number of policy reforms among pro-business governments, market entry in Latin America is nevertheless a complex process.

“We were sympathetic to the challenges foreign companies faced when trying to expand to these markets, having been through that process ourselves,” says David. “We saw an opportunity to be that commercial link between non-Spanish speaking entrepreneurs and government agencies in different countries in the region.”

Biz Latin Hub market entry and back-office services

For 5 years, Biz Latin Hub has been supporting foreign multinational companies to take advantage of the region’s growing commercial opportunities for doing business by offering several core services:

Biz Latin Hub expansion in Latin America in ongoing: Our team, partners and clients

In personalizing these services to the specific needs of each client, Biz Latin Hub has fast become a market leader in the region.

“We have our dedicated teams of experts and strategic partners to thank for their hard work and commitment to Biz Latin Hub’s vision of growing regionally and globally,” says David. “And we’re grateful for the trust our clients place in us to support their expansion into Latin America and the South Pacific.”

As part of our commitment to increasing commercial and personal links between Latin America and the rest of the world, Biz Latin Hub participates in and collaborates with a range of like-minded public and private organizations, such as foreign embassies, business councils and professional networks.

We aim to bridge commercial, professional and cultural gaps in understanding between companies, countries and regions. We’re excited to continue forging these connections and strengthening regional and international ties into the future.


Let us help you do business in Latin America



Biz Latin Hub expansion in Latin America doesn’t stop. We’re committed to supporting the success of your business in emerging markets. A number of developing economies offer myriad commercial opportunities for those interested in doing business in Latin America.

At Biz Latin Hub, we want to see your business thrive in your desired market. Our teams of accounting, legal and sector experts will ensure your business has all it needs to properly establish a presence in the region. With a customizable suite of market entry and back-office services, you’ll have the confidence to make secure investments and enjoy commercial success.

Reach out to us today here at Biz Latin Hub for more information about how we can help you.

Learn more about our accounting and legal experts, and the specialist support we can provide. Check out our short presentation below for more information on why investors are choosing Latin America to do business.



Doing Business in Latin America - Biz Latin Hub


The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.

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