How to get a New Zealand business visa from India

Find out how to apply for a New Zealand Business Visa from India in this overview and step-by-step guide.

New Zealand not only attracts businesses with a high GDP per capita, a strong workforce, a reliable government and legal system; New Zealand’s biggest treasure might be the New Zealanders themselves – also referred to as Kiwis.

After receiving your New Zealand Business Visa you will be able to discuss doing business with your local partner over a fine NZ wine.  More specifically, you will be able to buy and sell goods and services, arrange set-ups, expansions or liquidations, carry out a trade mission, and do business with an authorised representative of a company. 

How do I get a New Zealand Business Visa from India?

Railway tracks in India
In 2016, total two-way trade in goods and services between New Zealand and India was worth more than NZ$2.5 billion.

To get a New Zealand Business Visa from India you have to meet a range of eligibility conditions first. Also keep in mind what a business visa enables you to do in New Zealand. It is worth double checking that a business visa entitles you to achieve your commercial objectives in the country, and if necessary apply for another visa option. In this article we point out everything you need to know to apply for a business visa from India.

The Business Visa allows you to:

  • Buy and sell goods and services in New Zealand
  • Carry out an official trade mission recognised by the NZ government
  • Do business with an authorised representative by the NZ government
  • Arrange set-ups, expansions or liquidation of a business

Keep in mind: You are not allowed to work on a business visa. You are only allowed to carry out the activities mentioned above.

Requirements to apply for a New Zealand Business Visa from India

India is not on the list of visa waiver countries, therefore you need to make sure to arrange your visa prior to arrival.  

To apply for a business visa you have to meet several requirements first:

  • Provide proof of identity: upload a copy of your passport
  • You must be healthy
  • Prepare a police certificate in English to prove that you are of good character
  • Prove your genuine intentions
  • Demonstrate that you are visiting NZ for business, e.g. by providing a letter from your    employment
  • Show that you have enough financial funds to support yourself during your stay, e.g. with a bank statement of at least NZ$1.000 per month per person
  • Arrange evidence of onward travel or sufficient funds to purchase an onward ticket
  • Agree to pay any health care or medical assistance yourself.

Associated costs

After applying online, you must send your passport to the Visa Application Centre in Mumbai and pay a passport charge of IN₹722, or US$12. The address of the centre is:

New Zealand Visa Application Centre
G Block, 1st Floor, Trade Centre Tower
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E)
Mumbai 400 051

How long does it take to obtain a New Zealand Business Visa for Indian citizens?

Currently it takes about 16 calendar days to process. 90% of applicants are processed in that timeframe. There is a small chance that your application may take longer.

Why is New Zealand good for business?

  • According to Transparency International, New Zealand is the least corrupt country in the world in 2019, followed by Denmark and Finland
  • graded New Zealand’s economy as the third freest in the world, after Hong Kong and Singapore
  • Forbes ranked New Zealand fifth best country to do business in the world

Besides ranking high on worldwide economic comparisons, the government prides itself on being committed to growth and innovation. New Zealand values the contributions that foreign businesses make to the economy, and actively supports entrepreneurs and business professionals.

The relationship between India and New Zealand

Auckland Skytower, New Zealand
According to the World Bank, New Zealand is the easiest country to start a business in.

New Zealand and India enjoy a strong and friendly relationship. The New Zealand government wants to establish India as  one of the core trade, economic and political partners for New Zealand.

  • India was New Zealand’s tenth largest trading partner in 2016
  • In the same year total trade in goods and services was worth more than NZ$2.5 billion
  • Almost 75,000 Indian tourists visited New Zealand in 2018
  • More than 17,000 students visit New Zealand’s universities in 2020

New Zealand and India have plans for the future. New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) just published its goals for 2025. India and New Zealand want to build a relationship which is based on mutual trust. The New Zealand-India Free Trade Agreement will offer plenty of opportunities for Indian businesses to become active in New Zealand. 

Can a foreigner start a business in New Zealand?

According to the World Bank, New Zealand is the easiest country to start a business in, due to its few restrictions on establishing, owning and operating a business.

How much money do I need to invest to get permanent residency in New Zealand?

The business visa for New Zealand grants you 3 months to do business in New Zealand. To stay longer than 3 months, you need to apply for a work visa. If you are interested in expanding, setting up a business, or to invest in New Zealand, you could consider applying for an Entrepreneur Visa. An Entrepreneur Visa eventually allows you to gain permanent residency.  

Contact our visa processing experts to obtain a New Zealand Business Visa

At the Biz Latin Hub we support foreign companies to do business in New Zealand through a full suite of bilingual market entry and back-office services. Our legal and accounting experts can guide you through the process to apply for a business visa from India.

Take advantage of our visa processing services, and the many other market entry and back office services we offer. Our experienced team can help you with immigration consultation, immigration strategy and application management and many other services. Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact us directly here at Biz Latin Hub.

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